Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Work Permit Test:-

1) Which of the following is not an authorization?

a) Vehicle safety certificate
b) Electrical Isolation tag
c) Excavation
d) Confined Space entry
Answer: b) Electrical Isolation Tag

2) With in ---- meters of hot work site dry vegetation, oil deposits etc, should be removed?

a) 10
b) 8
c) 12
d) 9

Answer:b) 8

3) Contractors vehicle/Equipment shall have a safety certificate issued by----?

a)  Safety
b) Workshop Engineer
c) Maintenance Foreman
d) Operations supervisor

Answer: a) Safety

4) Intrinsically safe instruments can be used with following permit?

a) Cold Work
b) Hot Work
c) No Permit
d) All the above

Answer: a) Cold work

5) Confined Space entry permit is required for entry on a floating roof tank where roof is down from the top more than-----?

a) 3.0 Mtrs
b) 4.0 Mtrs
c) 5.0 Mtrs
d) 1.0 Mtrs
e) None of the above

Answer: a) 3Mtrs

6) Extinguisher used for hot work standby should bear a certificate from---?

a) Operations
b) Maintenance
c) Contractor
d) Fire & Security
e) None of the above

Answer : d)Fire & Security

7) Use of X-ray generator requires the following permit----?

a) Hot work
b) Cold work
c) X-Ray Certificate
d) None of the above

Answer : a) Hot Work

8) Waiver in case of excavation authorization can be issued by-----?

a) Shift controller
b) Shift Leader
c) Safety Engineer
d) General Superintendent operation

Answer: b) Shift Leader

9) What is the maximum oxygen % in an inert entry?

a) 15%
b) 19.5%
c) 10%
d) 5%

Answer: d) 5%

10) What is the TLV of Ammonia?

a) 20 ppm
b) 25 ppm
c) 30 ppm
d) 35 ppm
e) None of the above

Answer : b) 25ppm

11) What is the TLV of Sulphur dioxide?

a) 1 ppm
b) 2 ppm
c) 5 ppm
d) 10 ppm
e) None of the above

Answer : b) 2 ppm

12) What is the permissible level of LEL of combustible gas for hot work permit?

a) 1 %
b) 5%
c) 10%
d) 20%
e) None of the above

Answer : a) 1%

13) Vessel Entry with breathing apparatus is allowed if H2S level is below?

a) 200 ppm
b) 100 ppm
c) 150 ppm
d) 250 ppm
e) None of the above

Answer : b) 100 ppm

14) Gas test is conducted for issue of work permit in operations area by-----?

a) Safety Engineer
b) Contractor
c) Operation personnel
d) Authorized gas tester from operation

Answer: d) Authorized gas tester from operation

15) Who conducts gas test outside operations area for issuing work permit?

a) Operation Personnel
b) Fire officer
c) Safety Engineer
d) Maintenance personnel
e) None of the above

Answer: c) Safety Engineer

16) Which of the following does not require a work permit?

a) Use of intrinsically safe battery operated item
b) Relamping in offices
c) Routine maintenance in work shop
d) All the above
e) Only b) & c) above

Answer: e) Only b) & c) above

17) Original copy of the work permit should be at-----?

a) With the Issuing authority
b) With the Receiving authority
c)  At work site
d)  With the contractor

Answer: c) At work site

18) What is the maximum validity of a work permit-----?

a) 8 hours shift only
b) Working day only
c) Either a) or b)
d) None of the above

Answer: c) Either a) or b)

19) Completed work permit should be closed and filed for minimum 30 days by-----?

a) Issuing authority only
b) Receiving authority only
c) Both the above
d) None of the above

Answer: c) Both the above

20) A work permit can be suspended in case of violation by the following-----?

a) Issuing authority
b) Safety
c) Any of the above
d) None of the above

Answer: c) Any of the above

21) Hot tapping shall not be allowed for the lines containing the following-----?

a) Compressed Air
b) Hydrogen
c) Oxygen
d) All the above

Answer: d) All the above

22) Hot tapping/bracket welding on a tank can be permitted only when the hydrocarbon level is minimum-------cms above the welding spot?

a) 100 cms
b) 200 cms
c)   90 cms
d)   50 cms

Answer: c) 90 cms

23) For Entering a crane into a running plant,following is required?

a) A spark arrestor
b) A Vehicle entry permit
c) A white safety certificate
d) A heavy driving licence
e) All of the above

Answer:b) A Vehicle entry permit

24) Permit for cutting scrap line outside the operating area fence will be issued by-----?

a) Safety Section
b) Shift leader
c) Operations
d) None of the above

Answer: a) Safety Section

25) In normal circumstances, who is the lowest level to sign a permit?

a) Assistant Foreman
b) Foreman
c) Technician
d) None of the above

Answer: c) Technician

26) What is the permissible level of LEL of combustible gas for cold work with respiratory protection?

a) 10 % LEL
b) 20% LEL
c) 50% LEL
d) 100% LEL

Answer: b) 20% LEL

27) In electrically multi locking system, the involved personnel in locking and tagging are-----?

a) Safety,Instrumentation,Operations
b) Electrical, Mechanical,Safety
c) Electrical,Operations,Mechanical
d) All groups working on electrically isolated equipment

Answer: d) All groups working on electrically isolated equipment.

28) In case of working on impressed current cathodically protected pipelines,Corrosion section to be informed at least -----hrs in advance-----?

a) 8 hrs
b) 24 hrs
c) 1hr
d) None of the above

Answer: b) 24 hrs

29) Life buoys with -----mtr line should be at piers at work location?

a) 10 mtr
b) 20 mtr
c) 25 mtr
d) 30 mtr

Answer: d) 30 mtr

30) If the job is not completed, what will you with the permit---?

a) Close the permit
b) Write job continues on the permit and sign closure
c) Destroy the permit
d) None of the above

Answer: b) Write job continues on the permit and sign closure


31) Only 24V lamps should be used in confined space
a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

32) Gas test is required for only hot work in Hazardous area
a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

33) Electrical isolation tag is authorization
a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

34) Work permit is to be renewed if job is started with in 2hours of issue of permit
a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

35) Safety Engineer has to sign the permit in operation area
a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

36) Key should be transferred & multi lock signatures renewed when permits are renewed
a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

37) Gas Masks can be worn if toxic atmosphere is known and not IDLH
a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

38) Intrinsically safe battery operated meters require hot permit
a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

39) In case of toxic concentration, attendant shall remain in upwind direction of the job site
a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

40) Entry of vehicles in to Division-2 hazardous area requires hot work permit
a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True


41) Welding in confined space----

a) Hot
b) Cold
c) Excavation
d) Entry

Answer: a) Hot & d) Entry

42) Servicing Valves in work shop

a) Hot
b) Cold
c) Entry
d) No Permit

Answer: d) No Permit

43) Radiography on pipe line

a) Hot
b) Cold
c) Entry
d) No Permit

Answer: b) Cold

44) Inspection with non intrinsic battery operated meters

a) Hot
b) Cold
c) Entry
d) No Permit

Answer: a) Hot

45) Mechanical excavation

a) Hot
b) Cold
c) Entry
d) No Permit

Answer: a) Hot

46) Cleaning in process drum

a) Hot
b) Cold
c) Entry
d) No Permit

Answer: b) Cold


47) What is the speed limit inside the Refinery?

60KM/Hour – Main Road
30KM/hour _ Inside Refinery

48) What are the Transfer Point?

Series of areas inside refinery where people go to be transported out.

49) What to do in case of chemical splash on your body?

Immediately take a shower to wash the chemical on the body.

50) When is the confined space entry required in excavations?

When it has depth of 1.2meters and above.

51) What fire extinguisher is to be used when havinf gas fore?

Dry chemical

52) What are all the type of permit?

Hot – Red
Confined Space- Yellow

53) When to Class work permit and how to Class?

When the job is completed the work permit has to be closed and to close it you have to bring all the copies of the work permit and executing authority and issuing authority has to sign agreeing of the completion and house keeping.

54) Who fill up the work permit?

The issuing authority filled up the work permit.

55) What to do when there injury?

Administer First aid,but serious don’t touch the injured and call immediately the refinery clinic.

56) When is excavation authorization required?

If the excavation is 500mm and above.

57) What is the role of inspection sup.in the work permit?

To check or inspect maximum allowable pressure, temperature and thickness on hot tapping work or work on tank roof (4.8mm).

58) How many times can be the work permit renewed?

It can be renewed two(2) times.

59) What is pyrophoric iron or substance?

A substance when expose to heat suddenly ignites.

60) What is the validity period of work permit?

When permit is validity for period of 8 Hours

61) What is the transfer of responsibility of super-vision?

In case the supervisor who received the permit leave the site at any time he should obtain permission from issuing authority for another supervisor to take his place.

62) What are the requirements for issuing entry permit for crane to an operations plant?

a)  Third party inspection certificate
b)  Safety certificate
c)  Hot work permit
d) Valid operators license

63) Conditions of renewing the work permit?

a) Validity Expires
b) Work stoppage due to fire or accident
c) Emergency evacuation

64) What to do in case of emergency

a) Stop the Job
b) Evacuate the area
c) Go to the nearest transfer point

64) What precautions to take in carrying out hot work in operating plant?

a) Gas test should be conducted
b) Fire Protection
c) Fire watch
d) Secure hot work

65) How many copies do the work permit have?

a) Original
b) 1st Copy (Issuing authority)
c) 2nd Copy (Field operator)
d) 3rd Copy (Fire and Safety)

66) What is the role of Engineer/Supervisor on the work permit?

To see to it that the job is carried out according to the work permit condition in such a way it is done safely.